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Payung-Payung Tourism Village

Berau Regency, East Kalimantan

Our Tour Packages

Check our tour package and contact us for the details!

Explore Maratua - 3 Days 2 Nights

Explore Maratua is a tour package that offers/sells tourism, culinary and cultural products. Tourists will be presented with a unique and interesting DTW and can enjoy local products and local culture. Activities that can be done in the explore maratua package are enjoying the beautiful underwater views, swimming with turtles, seeing dolphins directly, playing with stingless jellyfish and swimming in caves.


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Private Tour Pulau Maratua

Explore Maratua is a tour package that offers/sells tourism, culinary and cultural products. Tourists will be presented with a unique and interesting DTW and can enjoy local products and local culture. Activities that can be done in the explore maratua package are enjoying the beautiful underwater views, swimming with turtles, seeing dolphins directly, playing with stingless jellyfish and swimming in caves.


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Maratua Odyssey

Maratua Odyssey adalah paket wisata yang menawarkan produk wisata alam di Pulau Maratua atau Desa Wisata Payung-Payung. Wisatawan akan disuguhkan dengan DTW yang unik dan menarik serta dapat menikmati produk lokal dan budaya setempat. Aktivitas yang bisa dilakukan di paket explore maratua adalah menikmati pemandangan bawah laut yang indah, berenang bersama penyu, melihat lumba-lumba secara langsung, bermain dengan ubur-ubur tanpa sengat dan berenang di dalam goa.


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Payung-Payung Village


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